Abby is OK 9:42 AM

I don't know if you guys have been watching the girls who have been sailing around the world solo? Of course Jessica Watson from Australia completed her voyage (making her the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe solo) just recently. Well the American girl, Abby Sunderland, has had some troubles on her trip. She was out on the Indian Ocean and hit a storm facing 30 foot waves. Her mast broke leaving nothing (from what she described on her blog) but a 2 inch nub. This also took out her communications. She had no way to contact anyone except for her emergency signals. She had been floating helplessly for 2 days until a French fishing boat found her 2000 miles off of the Australian coast. Scary stuff! I'm just really happy to hear that she is alive and safe.

...and no....her boat could not be saved. For those of you who don't sail you might be like "'s just a boat" which under the circumstances,'s just a boat because Abby's well being comes first. Those of you that do sail and own a boat you can understand how upset Abby must be (off the side of relief from rescue) because her boat is gone, never to be seen again. RIP Wild Eyes.

For all of you who don't sail here are the basic parts of a boat (if you don't know what the mast is)



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