Project Overload 8:26 PM


I'm a bit overwhelmed but very happy with the new projects that have been presented to me this last week. So here is what's going on in my crazy life (which usually isn't so crazy) and are the reasons behind some of my delayed email responses.

1. The Fansite Store opening (June 1st)
2. Remodeling the Videos section so there is a better load time.
3. Constructing another site for another Sparty cast member.
4. My heavy involvement with the Las Vegas Harley Davidson Adoption Event coming in June.
5. Finishing up details on my wedding coming up in October.
6. Constructing a third website with Ash (non-Sparty related)
7. Ballroom Dancing classes
8. Hiking Group
9. Shooting Practice - pistols

um...I think that's it! lol What have I gotten myself into?!? No this is all great stuff that I'm extremely happy to be doing. Don't worry though. No slacking on the Jai Courtney Fansite. =P


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